Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Some changes

Alright guys, I realize that the server has been running with even more lag than usual, as well as several crashes.
Thus far, I've removed AddQuartz (Which may or may not have finished re-rendering some of the nether), DynMaps (and the PlotMe Extension), and the Lockette Addon, which the sign dupe bug was cause server lag.
Let me know what you guys think about a couple of ideas for improving the server:
A.) Elimination of either the SuperFlat or the Evangelion worlds, or both (Less worlds = less data used)
B.) Elimination of MagicWands (Concerned about the plugin health)
C.) Converting world and it's groups to a similar make-up as Eva (And deleting Eva)
D.) Regenerating the PlotMe (Creative) world with larger plots that can only be accessed via the new ranking system.

Leave a comment with your take on any or all of those options.


  1. I think you should whitelist the server. :D but that's just me.

    I don't use superflat or Evangelion, so I have no problem with getting rid of it. I don't use magic wands, either, but I've been curious.

    I don't know anything about Evangelion, so I can't usefully comment on conversion.

    I guess you can regenerate the creative world? Would that delete all our stuff? T1ttypuncher might cry...

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